Basic Acoustics - Insulation
Sound influences our quality of life, but how? What is the difference between low, mid and high frequencies? Which one do I need to address in each environment? How to add the sound sources of a space? How to protect yourself from noise, keeping it out of our environments?
Take the opportunity to learn the fundamentals of acoustics.
Techniques and strategies for sound insulation solutions will be presented in this course. Knowing how sound works enables you to understand and analyze what is needed to obtain sound insulation in environments, whether for a client's project, in your work environment, or for a leisure or spiritual environment. Learn the difference between low, medium and high frequencies and correctly analyze sound sources so you can isolate noise.

Basic Acoustics - Conditioning
What defines the acoustics of an environment? How does the acoustics harmonize with the decorative proposal? What are the market options and their acoustic performance? Elevated reverberation is a common phenomenon in “noisy” spaces. Understand why this occurs and learn about the differentiated solutions that integrate acoustic comfort. Creativity exists for those who prepare.
It's time to get to know the acoustic technique applied with aesthetic sensitivity. Learn to recognize the acoustic materials that make environments more beautiful and interesting. Get ready for different projects.

Auditorium and Theater Acoustics
Theaters and auditoriums have their essence in the spoken word. It's so bad to go to a class or lecture where you have trouble understanding what is being conveyed! Even worse is watching a drama show and having trouble hearing the performers.
There are prerequisites in the geometry of the rooms, the layout of the public and the design of the ceiling. In this course, these strategies are presented, listing the appropriate materials for various solutions.

Acoustics of Corporate Environments
Work efficiency is related to the acoustic condition. Research shows that productivity can drop by up to 20% in acoustically inappropriate environments. Environments with acoustic discomfort provide stress, headaches, lack of attention and an increase in the rate of absenteeism in companies, that is, paid leave of employees for health reasons. This represents a waste of the company's financial resources.
Fundamental course for all professionals who design offices. Most acoustic problems related to privacy can be avoided from the design stage. After all, privacy and acoustic comfort are not only obtained with the specification of an acoustic absorbent ceiling. Come to know the project recommendations and improve your technical vocabulary.
Offices, Call Centers, Meeting Rooms and Videoconferencing

Acoustics of Teaching Environments
Improvement in education comes with acoustic treatment. Up to 50% of what the teacher says can be lost due to inadequate acoustic conditions in the classroom. Clutter, distraction, side conversations, etc. The behavior of students is directly influenced by the acoustic condition of the room. Excessive reverberation makes it difficult to understand the teacher's speech. Noise generates distraction, agitation and attention deviation. Efficient linings and absorbent coatings, in addition to providing acoustic comfort, encourage creativity, teamwork and learning.
Several acoustic techniques and materials can be applied, but it is essential to carry out specific studies and also to have a critical view of each situation. The acoustic demands of an educational environment go far beyond classrooms and care must be considered from the design stage. Knowing how to sectorize well solves most problems. The mission of educating belongs to everyone: designers, educators and entrepreneurs.

Acoustics of Bars, Restaurants and Food Courts
Noises from cutlery, carts, cell phones, in addition to conversations and more conversations, reverberate through the environments and force people to raise their voice. Learn the necessary acoustic care and the relationship with aesthetics. Meetings and meals combine with private and professional moments. Noisy environments are unpleasant and require greater vocal effort during conversations, generating agitation and stress. Employees, in turn, get their orders wrong, get impatient and sick. Result: worse service and customers who do not return. These and other acoustics-related reasons drive profitability.
There are several techniques and options for absorbent coatings and linings that provide the warmth and comfort necessary for customer loyalty, in addition to being hygienic and resistant. Several factors influence the definition and location of acoustic materials: the layout, the proximity between people, the size of possible groups, the volume of the environment, the type of restaurant, etc. It is time to know and take ownership of the solutions.

Concert Hall, Nightclub and Ceremonial Acoustics
How to design music spaces without disturbing the neighborhood? This is the critical point of environments such as Show Houses, Nightclubs and Ceremonies and that is why we created a complete course on relevant acoustic care, including noise protection for the external environment and the internal treatment of sound for its highest quality and promotion of atmosphere that the environment proposes.

Acoustics of Religious Temples
The contemporary church demands religious temples with very specific architectural and acoustic characteristics. Acoustic adequacy, when thought about in the design phase, guarantees success in transmitting the Word and Praises in a more economical way. Many churches are installed with the purpose of building community life, but they end up becoming a source of nuisance due to the noise transmitted to the neighborhood. Acoustic solutions integrated into the architectural design allow religious activities to take place without noise pollution.
Dynamic and applied course, based on the company's experience and taught through cases and real situations.

Studio acoustics
How to ensure sound insulation for other environments? What to do to balance the internal acoustic condition? Specific treatment for rehearsal studios and recording studios will be presented in this course.

Acoustics of Hospitals, Clinics and Offices
The risk of medical errors increases as noises are not taken care of. Some sounds are unavoidable for monitoring the patient's condition, but many (most) can and should be treated. It is common to have to solve privacy problems in offices that should have been avoided in the design phase.
Learn what are the main sources of noise in healthcare environments and how to minimize them. Fundamental course for all who design healthcare environments.

Sustainable Acoustics
Sustainability is not fashion, it is essential. We can justify the relationship of sustainability and architectural acoustics in every way:
· As a moral issue: those who care about their neighbor must reduce the environmental impact of works and buildings in the environment in which they live;
· By the market: obtaining AQUA-HQE and LEED certifications brings recognition and visibility, attracting more consumers;
· As a matter of ethics: because care for the environment in which they live and the promotion of quality of life is the essence.
And what does this have to do with architectural acoustics? Everything! Come get ready for the market! Fundamental course for everyone who understands the responsibility of technical specifications.
Environmental Certifications and Low Impact Acoustic Solutions

Acoustics and Performance Standard 15,575
Do you know what are the acoustic insulation parameters that the Brazilian Standard requires for residential buildings? Do you want to understand the acoustic requirements of the Performance Standard and what implications for your project?
Learn how to address these issues in this course. Noise in buildings is a constructive disease and the solution must be given during the project.

urban acoustics
Lack of planning and understanding of urban acoustics has resulted in noisier and unhealthy cities. Being exposed to so much noise in our daily lives that we reap consequences such as anxiety, stress, reduced quality of life and so on.
Awareness of noise management tools in public spaces, such as the noise map, is fundamental for architects, engineers, urban planners and other professionals involved in the context of the urban environment.

Acoustic Insulation of Machine Houses
Many people think that the inconvenience caused by construction sites and equipment in some projects is inevitable. This is not true. Engine room noises generate a lot of nuisance to neighborhoods.
This happens due to lack of planning and, mainly, lack of knowledge of the techniques available to reduce impacts on the population. In cases of construction, for example, employees are victims of their own work environment, drastically increasing the level of stress and disturbance, reducing their quality of life, their disposition and, above all, their productivity.

Acoustic Insulation of Frames
Insulating window to block out music, traffic or barking? Many people suffer from external noise, especially at bedtime. The most vulnerable point in terms of sound transmission is the frame, although they often do not meet the needs.
What factors determine the performance of these frames? What is the performance difference between single and double glazing? But that's all I need to know about windows, isn't it? Not even! We will see aluminum, wood and PVC frames, sound holography, complete frame + wall performance and facade attenuating elements!

Arch George Almeida
"The awareness disseminated by Audium is a precursor to a positive cultural change for the quality of the environment."
"Excellent course, impeccable exposure of the instructor combined with demonstrated examples and cases. Relevant subject for our performance in the market."
"Excellent and very rare opportunity to learn about this subject in Brazil."